Friday, January 27, 2017

Round Glasses, Britain, and a Rural Community

A pair of blue jeans with two worn in spots: in the knees and the butt pocket where a wallet is supposed to go. Any shirt pairs well, but I love to see flannel, reminds me of Iowan sunsets in the fall while harvesting is going on. A pair of work boots, a baseball cap, and a pocket knife leave the house every morning with this style. Names like “country,” or “hillbilly,” or “redneck,” are used to describe individuals like this. Sometimes derogatory, sometimes empowering, depends on the day, the person, and the situation. When I see this style, I think of home my Uncle Daran, my friend Allison, and so many other dear loved ones.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Megan's Compass Project

Winter Wonderland 

Written by Megan Van Pelt 


I love Iowa. I am a born and bred Iowan, and love everything about the place, from its food to its people. The fact that it has approximately six pigs for every person makes me weirdly proud and happy. I miss it like crazy since moving out to the East Coast.